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Welcome to the Property Owner Mapping Tool!

The interactive map shows Significant Natural Resources in Washington County’s urban unincorporated area identified through our inventory update. The map shows two types of natural resources: Riparian habitat (blue) and upland wildlife habitat (oranges). Some properties have both types of habitats.

Properties with Significant Natural Resources are outlined in red. In some cases, the natural resource is located on only a portion of a property. 

  1. To find your property, enter the address or tax lot number in the  ‘Find address or place' bar at the top left corner of the screen, near the legend.
  2. Don’t know the address or tax lot number? Drag the map. Zoom in or out or pinch open or closed to get to the property you’re interested in. 
  3. Once you find the property, click/tap on it to see Significant Natural Resource areas.


Status message

Thank you for your interest in the Focused Look project. Our open house and survey is now closed. Please visit Significant Natural Resources (SNR): A Focused Look at Fish and Wildlife Habitat for more information.